Opening Date: 2023-08-14   Last update: 2023-08-21   Status: Note

Flight Operation Team (FOT) transitioned fully to Light-Out-Operations (LOOps) on July 7th 2023 at 6am EDT following successful testing and Ops Readiness Review. In the LOOps configuration there will not be an on-console engineer working the 12-hour night shift (6pm-6am), but instead system support engineers will be on call during lights out period to respond to red limit alarms as needed. FOT will no longer attempt to fill science data gaps via Solid State Recorder replays so additional data losses and larger data gaps are expected, though estimated data capture is expected to remain above mission data capture guideline of 95%. The examples below show one of the impacted days for TERRA and AQUA.

A list of TERRA MODIS LOOps Events can be found here: TERRA MODIS LOOPs
A list of AQUA MODIS LOOps Events can be found here: AQUA MODIS LOOPs

Global Browse Image
MOD09 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1,4,3
Day A2023189 (2023-07-08), C61
Global Browse Image
MYD09 Coarse Resolution Surface Reflectance Band 1,4,3
Day A2023203 (2023-07-22), C61

Occurrence: C061 L1B data for the dates and times listed and all downstream products.
Case Name: HC_MOD_23226