Case Name Opening Date Last Update Status Description
HC_MOD_25050_NRT 2025-02-19 2025-02-20 Note L0 Delivery Issue 2025/050 On February 19th, 2025 (2025/050), the TERRA MODIS Near Real-Time (NRT) processing was disrupted due to the EDOS L0 delivery issue. The impacted granules are 17:05 - 20:50 (inclusive). Efforts are underway to recover the lost data.<br><br><br>
TM_MOD_23055_NRT 2023-02-27 2023-03-02 Note L0 Delivery Issue 2023/055 The NRT processing was disrupted for MODIS and VIIRS Near Real-Time (NRT) starting 02/24 14:07z due to the EDOS L0 delivery issue. The MODIS and VIIRS L0 data gaps are listed below,<br></A><br><br><p><PRE> Instrument | GapStartTime | GapEndTime<br>------------------------+-----------------------+---------------------<br>Terra | 2023-02-24 23:45:20 | 2023-02-25 14:31:17<br>Aqua | 2023-02-24 22:23:35 | 2023-02-25 14:55:41<br>SNPP | 2023-02-24 23:06:28 | 2023-02-25 14:11:59<br>J1 | 2023-02-24 23:12:34 | 2023-02-25 13:30:28</PRE><br><br>The VIIRS NRT processing is back to nominal status. All Terra and Aqua processing has resumed. For Aqua, all NRT products should be available from 2023-03-01 onwards. For any of the immediately prior days users are requested to grab the data from the standard processing stream, made available through LAADS. MODAPS will continue to monitor the performance and any further update will be posted here, if necessary. <br><br><br>
PM_MOD_20260_NRT 2020-09-18 2020-09-18 Note Data loss due to contact error 2020.260 On September 16th, 2020 (2020.260) a 5 minute data gap occurred on Terra MODIS due to a contact error from 02:30:12 - 02:35:00z. Attempts to recover this data loss were unsuccessful. Processing has been closed and the data is not recoverable. The gap in granule 02:30, occurred during a daytime orbit over Arctic.<br><br>
PM_MOD_20089_NRT 2020-03-29 2020-03-29 Note Data loss due to buffer error 2020.089 On March 29th, 2020 (2020.089) a data gap occurred on Terra MODIS due to unknown errors in the MODIS buffer after a playback error. The impacted times are from 02:22:55 - 03:42:41. The data loss occurs during a daytime orbit over eastern China and a night time orbit over the Americas. Attempts to recover this data loss were unsuccessful. Processing has been closed and the data is not recoverable. Below is an example image, which shows the data gap during a daytime orbit over eastern Asia.<br><br>
PM_MOD_19326_NRT 2019-11-21 2019-11-25 Note Data loss due to contact error 2019.326 On November 22nd, 2019 (2019.326) the MOD00S (Terra MODIS L0) data received for NRT processing had no data between 326/02:16:32 - 326/02:22:02. This gap is due to a Terra data loss event from a contact error. The lance-modis NRT processing has been closed and the data is not recoverable. Below is an example image of TERRA NRT MOD11_L2 nighttime browse image from data day 2019.326 (11/22/2019), which shows the near real time data gap during an night time orbit over the South America in the LST product.<br><br>
PM_MOD_19305_NRT 2019-11-05 2019-11-05 Note Semi-annual Night-time-day-mode calibration activity Rolling Note A routine calibration activity that happens every six months includes a portion of nighttime time data acquired in day mode and then a portion of day time data acquired in night mode. As a result, these periods include night time granules that contain a "day" flag during this calibration activity. Additionally, granules appear missing in the global browse during the daytime time to compensate for the additional data in the buffer. This rolling note will document these occurrences.<br><br><br>DOY 2018.142 (May 22, 2018) includes night time granules that contain a "day" flag over Africa during this calibration activity. Additionally, granules appear missing in the global browse during the daytime time to compensate for the additional data in the buffer. The data has been reviewed and the impacted granule times are 21:40 through 22:00, detailed in the table below. The image below shows the region over Africa that is impacted by this activity.<br>Nighttime Day Mode Observations<br>2018/142 21:14:32 ATC MOD_OA04_NIGHT_RATE.1 (10:00 early)<br>2018/142 21:40:00 ATC MOD_OA03_DAY_RATE.2<br>2018/142 22:00:00 ATC MOD_OA04_NIGHT_RATE.1<br>2018/142 22:23:54 ATC MOD_OA03_DAY_RATE.2 (10:00 late)
PM_MOD_19242_NRT 2019-08-30 2019-08-30 Pending Data loss Due to PWA anomaly 2019.242 On August 30th, 2019 (2019.242) the Terra spacecraft experienced a Printed Wire Assembly (PWA) anomaly in the MODIS instrument beginning at 06:15 on 2019.242. The anomaly status is currently ongoing. This anomaly has impacted a number of MOD00F granules produced in both NRT and forward processing streams. The image below shows the impact of this PWA anomaly on the NRT reflectance data.<br><br>Impacted granules are expecting to be observed in granules listed below. This is an ongoing issue and more information will be posted to this note when it becomes available. <br><br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 06:15 <br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 06:20<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 06:25<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 06:30<br><br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 08:10<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 08:15<br><br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 10:00<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 10:05<br><br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 11:45<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 11:50<br> <br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 13:35<br>MOD00F 2019-08-30 13:40<br><br>.
PM_MOD_19124_NRT 2019-05-07 2019-05-07 Note Data loss due to contact error 2019.124 On May 4th, 2019 (2019.124) the MOD00S (Terra MODIS L0) data received for NRT processing had no data between 2019-05-04 11:06:03 and 2019-05-04 11:09:51z. This gap is due to a Terra data loss event form a contact error. The lance-modis NRT processing has been closed and the data is not recoverable. However, data recovery within this period is expected in C6 forward processing. Below is an example image of TERRA NRT MOD09 L2 browse image from data day 2019.124 (05/04/2019), which shows the near real time data gap at the end of a daytime orbit over the South Atlantic Ocean. The daytime granule 1105 will not be manually reprocessed by Lance-MODIS, but should be produced in forward production C6.<br><br>
PM_MOD_22270_NRT 2022-09-28 2022-09-28 Note Data loss due to contact error 2022.270 On September 27th, 2022 (2022.270) a data gap occurred on Terra MODIS due to a contact error from 03:40:57 - 03:46:33. Processing has been closed and the data is not recoverable. The gap in granules 03:40 and 03:45 occurred during a nighttime orbit over the western coast of South America. The image below shows the impacted period in the MODIS Terra thermal band 29 during a night time orbit, with the data gap highlighted by the black box. Impacts to the operational products can be found <A href=""> here</A><br><br>
PM_MOD_21264_NRT 2022-09-20 2022-10-28 Note Terra Constellation Exit 10.12.22 The initial Terra Constellation Exit Maneuver (CEM) is scheduled for October 12, 2022, around 7:30 am EDT. The CEM will be carried out through two successive maneuvers, on October 12 and 19, respectively. All science data acquisition will remain suspended during, between, and following these two successive maneuvers, for a period of about 10 days, as MODIS will remain in a "CEM configuration" mode between the CEMs, where SV and EV doors will remain closed, Blackbody will be turned off and the SMIR and LWIR focal plane/heaters will be turned off as well. Post CEM, some more time will be needed to bring all instruments back to their nominal status. Post-CEM calibrations will be performed over the following weeks and LUT updates will occur as needed. MODIS data users of both NRT and operational processing streams are requested to take note of this and expect data outage for at least 10 days, starting October 12. This note will be further updated after the event, once all instruments are back to their nominal status and both NRT / operational production has resumed. For further information please reference the related <A href=""> operational processing note.</A><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><b><center>************************************************ <p style="color:red">Terra Constellation Exit: UPDATE 10.28.22</p> ************************************************</b></center><br><br><br>All Terra NRT data production from NASA LANCE has resumed as of October 28th at 00:00, following a prolonged outage because of two successive Constellation Exit Maneuvers (CEM) that were performed on October 12 and 19 respectively. Following the CEMs, the space and nadir view doors were opened on October 21, and the MODIS formatter resumed nominal day/night mode operations from October 22. All instrument temperatures had attained their nominal values by October 23. Assessments carried out by the MODIS validation team now indicates nominal performance and no major cause for concerns, barring slight gain changes that have been noticed for some of the SWIR bands (mainly for Band 5), and possibly slight change in cross-talk behaviors for some of the PV-LWIR detectors.<br><br>Users are being warned, not to use any Terra MODIS data products that may be available from nrt3 or nrt4 servers, prior to October 28 (DOY 301) resumption of Terra data from LANCE NRT, as all instrument status and performance may not have been nominal till then.<br><br>MODAPS is also expected to resume the operational forward processing of all MODIS Terra products, shortly.<br><br><br>
PM_MOD_22074_NRT 2022-03-15 2022-03-16 Closed MODIS TERRA SEU Reset 2022.074 (03/15/22) Terra MODIS encountered a SEU Command Processor and Format Processor reset today 03.15.22 (2022.074) at around 08:54z. As a result, MODIS entered standby mode. Though the data acquisition is going on, with some interruptions between 08:45z - 09:40z, the science quality will be degraded as the onboard calibrators (blackbody) is turned off and the onboard tables were reverted back to their at-launch values.<br><br>MCST and FOT are working to perform the recovery process. Recovery is expected to be in two phases:<br>- Bring the instrument back to science mode which could take place later this evening.<br>- Upload revised tables, expected to be no earlier than late Wednesday (3/16).<br><br>From the start of the anomaly until the upload of the revised table, we expect the science data be degraded including some outages around the anomaly time. We will keep you posted on the instrument recovery status and data anomaly. Further details and updates will be available in <a href="">the operations note</a>.<br><br>
PM_MOD_22011_NRT 2022-01-12 2022-01-12 Note Data Loss 2022.011 (01/11/22) Terra MODIS experienced a data delay, which resulted in a data loss for NRT on DOY 2022.011 (01/11/22) from 13:49:09 to 14:26:41. This occurred during a daytime orbit over the northern Atlantic Ocean to South America. The data was received and will be processed in the forward processing archives. However, NRT processing of this gap has been closed and data during this period will not be recovered for NRT. The image below shows the NRT data loss over the Atlantic and South America, highlighted in the red box.<br><br>
PM_MOD_21265_NRT 2021-09-23 2021-09-23 Note Terra SSR reset, 2021.265 (9/22/21) Terra FOT successfully performed the solid-state recorder (SSR) reset on Sept 22, 2021 (2021.264). Science data outage times: 2021/265 11:14:14 - 2021/265 22:53:58. The example images below show the data gap from this event in the daytime and night time orbits. The daytime data gaps are observed in the MOD09 product over portions of Europe, Western Africa and the majority of the Western hemisphere. Additionally, the nighttime orbit gaps are observed over the majority of the Eastern hemisphere, including the Europe and Africa. Detailed information of this event can be found<A href=""> here.</A>
PM_MOD_21193_NRT 2021-07-13 2021-07-13 Note Data loss Due to Contact Errors 2021.193 On 07.12.21 (2021.193) the Terra MODIS instrument experienced a data loss during a daytime orbit over Australia. Due to weather, the relay satellites TDE and TDS were unavailable starting with the 01:16:00z TDS contact. Blind acquisitions were scheduled in order to attempt to recover data. After the blind acquisitions were performed, there was still missing MISR and MODIS data. Currently, geolocation and L1B reflectance and thermal bands are impacted for granules 00:50 through 01:00 inclusive. At this time it is unclear if this data loss is recoverable, this note will be updated accordingly as more information becomes available. Below are the data segment start and stop times for the lost MODIS APID 64 data.<br><br>2021-193-00:51:40.889666 - 2021-193-01:01:12.543435 <br>2021-193-01:01:12.543435 - 2021-193-01:01:12.543435 <br>2021-193-01:01:13.834212 - 2021-193-01:01:14.020585<br><br>The first image below shows the global browse image where the data loss can be observed over northern Australia.
PM_MOD_21021_NRT 2021-01-22 2021-01-22 Note Data loss due to corrupt packets 2021.021 (01.21.21) to 2021.022 (01.22.21) On DOY 2021.021 (01.21.21) MODIS Terra experienced an instrument issue with corrupted packets received in the MODIS buffer with anomalous end timestamps. Despite a successful replay of the entire buffer, the data gaps in MODIS persisted during the recovery contact. This event impacted Jan 21 23:30 through Jan 22 01:00, and is the cause of the visible data gap on 01.21.21 during a daytime orbit over the Pacific Ocean, East of the Australian coastline. The data for NRT is not recoverable and this period has been closed. However the EDOS is currently investigating a possible processing issue that could have led to the anomalous data packet timestamps, and this note will be updated if any further information becomes available. The global browse image below shows the impact from this data gap for DOY 2021.021.
PM_MOD_20279_NRT 2020-10-06 2021-07-06 Note PWA data loss 2020.279, 2021.180 On DOY 2020.279 (10.05.20) MODIS Terra experienced a PWA failure that affected two more PWA-41 (supersets 80 and 81), bringing down the total number of MODIS SS to 28. The current PWA failure event happened around 15:21:12z. FOT was able to move the two corrupt supersets to the bad superset list at the contact on 2020.280/03:28:00 - 03:46:00z. Science recording was disabled at 03:32:56 to handle the moving of the supersets and re-enabled at 03:41:56z.<br><br>Terra MODIS shows partial to full science data loss on 2020.279 for NRT and <A href=""> C6/C61 forward production</A> over the following time ranges (15:05, 16:45, 18:30), where the data could not be played back because of recording on the faulty PWA-41. The image below for DOY 2020.279, shows these gaps across the globe for NRT.