North American Carbon Program Browse Images
The MODIS Land Science Team has developed coarse 5km versions of selected products to enable synoptic quality assessment via the internet. The coarse spatial resolution products are projected into a global coordinate system defined with pixel sizes corresponding to 20km in the Hammer-Aitoff projection (except for the Sea Ice products that have 14.15km pixels defined in the Lambert Azimuthal projection). These global browse images are generated with fixed contrast stretching and color look-up tables to enable consistent temporal comparison. This web interface has been developed to support interactive selection of browse products and zooming and panning at 5km resolution. The global browse images available on this web site should not be used for scientific analyses. Full spatial resolution are also available in golden tile time series.
- The browses images of M*D21, M*D21A1D/N and M*D21A2 will lag by almost a month and a half, compared to all other Land L2 and n-day products because of their dependency on MERRA2 model inputs that are produced at a lag of a month and a half.
- Every effort is being made to populate this web page with the browse images of C6 products in real time with the reprocessing in progress at MODAPS. Browse images could potentially contain data gaps and missing days at random since coarse resolution data of products could be received out of sequence at LDOPE and processed immediately. These data gaps or any image discrepancies should not be misconstrued as data loss or bad quality data, instead users are requested to check the Known Issue page for LDOPE's summary from review of data for data loss, production error and other quality issues.
Date |
2025-029 (Jan / 29) |
2025-028 (Jan / 28) |
2025-027 (Jan / 27) |
2025-026 (Jan / 26) |
2025-025 (Jan / 25) |
2025-024 (Jan / 24) |
2025-023 (Jan / 23) |
2025-022 (Jan / 22) |
2025-021 (Jan / 21) |
2025-020 (Jan / 20) |
2025-019 (Jan / 19) |
Date |
- Click on icons will open the details page in a new window
- Shift+click on icons will open the details page in new windows