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MYD09CMG striping issue in band 5
During the routine QA, a striping anomaly has been detected in the C61/MYD09CMG Band 5. The Band 5 detector issue is detailed on the NASA's MCST Known Issues Page. The issue is observed for the entire MODIS/AQUA mission period and originating from AQUA Band 5's dead detector 20 involving degraded detector performance leading to inaccurate measurements. The input files MYD09IDT/N/S, which are used in the generation of MYD09CMG, rely on AQUA L1B data. However, the algorithm generating the input files using L1B data failed to flag the dead detector (detector 20) in Band 5, resulting in unusable Band 5 data in the C61/MYD09CMG product. Users of MYD09CMG data need to be cautious when interpreting measurements from this band. Science team has been informed and plans to address the issue in AQUA/C7 version. No issues were identified in the MYD09 products, and the 500m QA flags detector 20 in Band 5 as dead.
MYD09CMG L3 daily Land Surface Reflectance Band 5
Day A2020001 (2020-01-01)
Day A2020001 (2020-01-01)

MYD09 Band5 Granule 13:20 L2 daily Land Surface Reflectance
Day A2024322 (2024-11-17)
Day A2024322 (2024-11-17)
C061 L3 MYD09CMG data for the dates and times listed.
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