Opening Date: 2023-01-27   Last update: 2023-01-27   Status: Note

C6 Forward processing of Terra and Aqua MODIS Land data products will be discontinued, on February 15, 2023 (02/15/2023). The C6 land data products have always suffered from known calibration issues that were discovered by the instrument Cal/Val team after the completion of the C6 reprocessing. The main issue among these being the increased impact of optical crosstalk in the Terra PV LWIR bands 27-30, that had made retrieval of most atmospheric parameters infeasible, indirectly impacting some of the land products that were dependent on these atmospheric retrievals. The Collection 6.1 (C61) corrects for this and some other critical calibration issues and also has a number of product specific improvements and enhancements that are listed in the C61 change document here.

Given the improved performance and calibration of C61, users are requested to switch to C61 for all of their MODIS land data needs. DAACs, will retain the C6 historical land data products for a further period of 6 months, following this decommissioning of the C6 forward processing, and will decommission all C6 land data products after the expiry of this 6-month retention period.

Occurrence: All C6, C61 MODIS Terra products for specified date and time periods.
PGE: All
Case Name: PM_MYD_23027